The Importance of Early Treatment

Dr. Gorin, and the American Association of Orthodontists, recommends that every child first visit the office at age 7. This may surprise you because orthodontic treatment is generally associated with adolescence. An early examination, however, is important to ensure maximum dental health for your child.

The following early warning signs may indicate that your child should have an orthodontic examination as soon as possible:

  • Difficulty in chewing
  • Open-mouth breathing
  • Thumb or finger sucking
  • Overlapping or crowding of erupting permanent teeth
  • Jaws that tend to click or pop
  • A developing underbite, overbite, protruding front teeth, or abnormal bite development

What are the benefits of early diagnosis?

Dr. Gorin can improve your smile at any age, but there is usually a best age for treatment to begin. An early examination allows a determination of how and when a child’s particular problem should be treated for maximum improvement with the least time and expense. In some cases, early treatment achieves results that are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing.

What to expect at your child's first visit

An orthodontic examination at age 7 does not always result in immediate treatment. After evaluating your child, Dr. Gorin may simply want to check your child periodically while the permanent teeth erupt and the jaws and face continue to grow. If, however, your child has a problem, Dr. Gorin may recommend interceptive treatment. These limited measures are used to guide facial growth and tooth eruption, thereby preventing more serious problems from developing. Early intervention frequently makes the completion of treatment at a later age easier and less time consuming.

Click here to learn more about your child's first visit
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At gorinOrthodontics, we're excited to discuss your orthodontic goals and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve your dream smile. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation at our Brooklyn or Lynbrook location. Our friendly team is eager to answer your questions and guide you on your smile journey.